Alcides Velásquez, Ph.D. CV
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Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies
The University of Kansas
1440 Jayhawk Blvd. Room 117
Lawrence, KS
Phone: 785-864-5203
Assistant Professor (2017-Present) Department of Communication Studies The University of Kansas
Assistant Professor (2012 – 2016)
Department of Communication
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Langston Hughes Communication Studies Visiting Professor (Fall 2015)
Department of Communication Studies The University of Kansas
Instructor (2005 –2008)
Department of Information Science
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Ph.D., Media and Information Studies (Summer 2012)
Department of Media and Information Michigan State University
M.S., Information Design and Technology (Now M.S. in Digital Media) (Spring 2005)
School of Literature, Media, and Communication Georgia Institute of Technology
B.A., Philosophy (1998)
College of Social Sciences
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Scholarly Publications
Journal Articles
- Suzuki, T. & Velasquez, A. 2022 ). Social media skills and social media political expression: The mediating role of pro-attitudinal and cross cutting exposure. Journal of Communication Technology, 5 ( 1), 58 83.
- Velasquez, A., Quenette, A. & Rojas, H. 2021 ). WhatsApp political expression and political participation: The role of ethnic minorities’ group solidarity and cross ethnic political talk. International Journal of Communication, 15, 2743 2764.
- Velasquez, A.., Mora Plazas, M., Gomez, L., Taillie, L.S., & Carpentier, F .D . 2021 ). Extent and nutritional quality of foods and beverages to which children are exposed in Colombian TV food advertising. Public Health Nutrition 24(4), 706-716.
- Velasquez, A., Barnidge, M., & Rojas, H. (202 1 ). Group consciousness and corrective action: The mediating role of perceived media bias and of selective exposure. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(1), 105-125.
- Velasquez, A. & Montgomery, G. (2020). Social Media Expression as a Collective Strategy: How Perceptions of Discrimination and Group Status Shape US Latinos’ Online Discussions of Immigration. Social Media +Society, 6(1)
- Chema-Velez, M., Gomez, L.F., Velasquez, A., Mora, Mercedes & Parra, D. (2019). Scoping review of studies on food marketing in Latin America. Revista de Saúde Pública, 53, 1-18.
- Velasquez, A., Montgomery, G. & Hall, J. (2019). Ethnic Minorities’ Social Media Political Use: How Ingroup Identification, Selective Exposure, and Collective Efficacy Shape Social Media Political Expression. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 24(4), 147-167.
- Quenette, A. & Velasquez, A. (2018). Shifting Demographics: Understanding How Ethnically Diverse Networks Influence Latinos’ Political Uses of Social Media and Offline Political Engagement. International Journal of Communication, 12, 4839-4859.
- Velasquez, A., & Quenette, A. M. (2018). Facilitating Social Media and Offline Political Engagement During Electoral Cycles: Using Social Cognitive Theory to Explain Political Action Among Hispanics and Latinos. Mass Communication and Society, 21(6), 763-784.
- Velasquez, A. (2018). Parents’ mobile relational maintenance in resource-constrained contexts: Barriers and facilitating access conditions. New Media & Society, 20(12), 4415-4435.
- Velasquez, A., & Rojas, H. (2017). Political Expression on Social Media: The Role of Communication Competence and Expected Outcomes. Social Media + Society, 3(1), 1-13.
- Velasquez, A. and LaRose, R. (2015). Social Media for Social Change: Social Media Political Efficacy and Activism in Student Activist Groups. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59(3), 456-474. doi:10.1080/08838151.2015.1054998
- Velasquez, A. and LaRose, R. (2015). Youth Collective Activism through Social Media: The Role of Collective Efficacy. New Media and Society, 17(6), 899-918. doi: 10.1177/1461444813518391
- Velasquez, A., Wash, R., Lampe, C. and Bjornrud, T. (2014). Latent Users in an Online User Generated Content Community. Computer Supported Cooperative Work Journal, 23(1), 21-50. doi: 10.1007/s10606-013-9188-4
- Velasquez, A. and Lampe, C. (2013). The Role of Communal Ratings as Cues in Participation in Political User-Generated News Websites. Palabra Clave, 16(3), 701-728.
- Velasquez, A. (2013). Digital Divide in Colombia: The Role of Motivational and Material Access in the Use and Types of Use of ICTs. International Journal of Communication, 7, 1768-1783.
- Velasquez, A. (2012). Social Media and Online Political Discussion: The Effect of Cues and Informational Cascades on Participation in Online Political Communities. New Media & Society, 14(8), 1286-1303.
- Chew, H. E., LaRose, R., Steinfield, C., and Velasquez, A. (2011). The Use of Online Social Networking by Rural Youth and its Effects on Community Attachment. Information, Communication & Society, 14(5), 726-747.
- Gonzalez, N., Salazar, A. y Velasquez, A. (2009). Juego y Cultura Digital. Signo y Pensamiento, 28(54), 369-376
- Velasquez, A. (2007). Convergencias en Medios Digitales: La Labor del Editor y del Arquitecto de Información.Signo y Pensamiento, 26(50), 174-190.
- Velasquez, A. (2005). AnaLitex: Una Herramienta Gráfica para Análisis Literario desde un Punto de Vista de Red. Signo y Pensamiento, 24(47), 151-164.
Book Chapters
- Velasquez , A. (2020). Análisis de contenido de noticias de prensa sobre usuarios y audiencias. In J. C.
Valencia (Ed.), Contando Colombianos: Medición Comercial, Métricas de Audiencias y Biopolítica (pp. 335 358).
Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. - Velasquez, A. (2017). Autonomy of Use and Online Interaction with Government. In L. Robinson, J. Schulz, & H.S. Dunn (Eds.), Digital Empowerment: Opportunities and challenges of Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean (pp. 253-276). U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing.
- Velasquez, A. (2014). Construcción de escalas de medición de activismo individual y colectivo en línea. In J.C. Valencia & C.P. García (Eds.). Movimientos sociales e Internet (pp. 237-258). Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
- Velasquez, A. (2008). Techno, Engendro Cibernético. In Pereira, J.M., Villadiego, M. and Sierra, L. (Eds.). Industrias culturales, músicas e identidades (pp. 221-246). Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Conference Proceedings
- Velasquez, A. (2014). Digital Divide and Online Citizen-Government Interaction in Colombia. In Proceedings of the 8th Communication Policy Research in Latin America Conference (CPR-LATAM).
- Rader, E., Velasquez, A., Hales, K. and Kwok, H. (2012). The Gap Between Producer Intentions and Consumer Behavior in Social Media. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Supporting Work Group(GROUP’12).
- Wohn, D.Y., Velasquez, A., Bjornrud, T., and Lampe, C. (2012). Habit as an Explanation of Participation in an Online Peer-production Community. In Proceedings of the 30th.International conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI.
- Lampe, C., Obar, J., Ozkaya, E., Zube, P. and Velasquez, A. (2012). Classroom Wikipedia Participation Effects on Future Intentions to Contribute. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’12). (Honorable Mention).
- McCully, W., Lampe, C., Sarkar, C., Velasquez, A., and Sreenivasan, A., (2011). Online and Offline Interactions in Online Communities. In Proceedings of the 7th. International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration(WikiSym’11).
- Lampe, C., Wash, R., Velasquez, A., and Ozkaya, E. (2010). Motivations to Participate in Online Communities. In Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI.
Work in progress
- Velasquez, A., Kim, D.H. & Quennete, A. ( Revise and resubmit ). Vicarious learning of social media political expression: The role of expected outcomes and appropriate communication competence.
- Suzuki, T.*, Velasquez, A., Zhang, Y.B. Under review ). Partisan interpersonal political disagreement and intergroup political attitudes: With whom ones disagree and how they manage political disagreement matter.
- Suzuki, T.* & Velasquez, A. ( Manuscript under preparation ). Social media ecology as climate of opinion: Perceived political polarization and social media political expression.
- Velasquez, A., Muddiman, A. & Sanyal, S.* ( Manuscript under preparation ). Ethnic minorities’ social media collective strategies and political participation.
- Velasquez, A. ( Manuscript under preparation ). Social media political expression as coll(rr)ective action: The role of ethnic identification and perceptions of media bias
- Velasquez, A., Mora Plazas, M., Gomez, L., Taillie, L.S., Dillman Carpentier, F. Manuscript under preparation ). TV food advertisements’ marketing strategies to which Colombian children are most exposed
- Johnson, R.* & Velasquez, A. Manuscript under preparation ). Electronic propinquity and interpersonal
communication motives in parent child communication.
Conference Papers
- Suzuki, T. & Velasquez, A. (2022, November). Social Media Ecology as Climate of Opinion: Perceived Political Polarization and Social Media Political Expression. To be presented at the National Communication Association annual convention, November 17-20.
- Porten-Cheé, P., Velasquez, A. & Muddiman, A. (2022) Media Use, Political Discussion, and Discursive Citizenship Norms of U.S. Latinx. Presented at the American Political Science Association annual conference.
- Suzuki, T., Velasquez, A., & Zhang, Y.B. (2022). In and Outgroup Political Discussion Disagreement and Intergroup Attitudes: How Partisans Deal with Political Disagreement Matters. To be presented at the International Communication Association, May 26-30.
- Suzuki, T., Velasquez, A., & Jung, B. (2022). Social Media Political Expression in Polarized Democracy: Examining the Influence of Centrality of In Group Identification and Affective Polarization on Political Expression across Different Social Media Platforms. To be presented at the International Communication Association, May 26-30.
- Velasquez, A. (2021). Understanding Social Media Collective Expression as a Coll(rr)ective Strategy: The Role of Ingroup Identification and Perceptions of Media Bias. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual convention.
- Velasquez, A., Muddiman, A. & Sanyal, S. (2021). Ethnic Minorities Social Media Collective Strategies and Political Participation. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual convention.
- Johnson, R. & Velasquez, A. (November, 2020) Electronic Propinquity in Parent Child Communication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention.
- Velasquez, A., Kim, D.H., & Quenette, A. (2020). Vicarious Learning of Social Media Political Expression: The Role of Expected Outcomes and Appropriate Communication Competence. Paper presented at the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- Suzuki, T. & Velasquez, A. (2020). Social Media Skills and Political Participation: The Mediating Role of Pro-Attitudinal, Cross-Cutting Exposure, and Social Media Political Expression. Paper accepted for presentation at the International Communication Association annual conference.
- Velasquez, A., Parviz, E., Suzuki, T. (2020). The Changing Face of the American Politics: A Study of Vicarious Learning Effect of 2016 Presidential Election on Women’s Online and Offline Political Behavior. Accepted at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association.
- Velasquez, A., Barnidge, M. & Rojas, H. (May, 2019). Group Consciousness and Corrective Action: The Mediating Role of Pro-Attitudinal Selective Exposure and of Perceived Media Bias. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference. Washington, D.C.
- Velasquez, A., Quenette, A. & Rojas, H. (May, 2019). WhatsApp Political Expression and Political Participation: An Expression Self-Effects Mediated Moderation Model. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference. Washington, D.C.
- Velasquez, A. & Montgomery, G. (November, 2018). Social Media Political Expression Regarding Immigration and Latinos: Analyzing the Effects of In-Group Identification, Selective Exposure, and Collective Efficacy. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual convention.
- Velasquez, A., & Quenette, A. M. (November, 2018). Facilitating Social Media and Offline Political Engagement During Electoral Cycles: Using Social Cognitive Theory to Explain Political Action Among Hispanics and Latinos. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual convention.
- Velasquez, A., Johnson, R. & Schon, J. (November, 2018). C U L8r: Promoting Parents' Use of Text-Messaging with Adolescent Children via Increased Mobile Use Learning Efficacy and Competence. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual convention.
- Velasquez, A. (August, 2017). Barriers and Facilitating Conditions for parents’ mobile communication with adolescent children in resource-constrained contexts. Paper presented at the 100th. AEJMC Annual Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Quenette, A. & Velasquez, A. (June, 2017). Shifting Demographics: Understanding how ethnically diverse networks influence Hispanics’/Latinos’ political uses of social media and offline political engagement. Paper presented at the Political Networks Conference, Columbus, OH. US.
- Velasquez, A. and Rojas, H. (June, 2016). Communication competence and expected outcomes in social media political expression. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 66th. International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Velasquez, A. (October, 2015). Access barriers and local strategies for intrafamilial mobile communication in resource constrained contexts. Paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Velasquez, A. (May, 2015). Digital Divide and Individuals' Online Interaction with Government. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 65th. International Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Velasquez, A. (May, 2014). Online citizen-government interaction in Colombia. Access opportunities and effects on perceptions of trust and corruption. Paper presented at the Communication and “The Good Life” Two Decades of the Digital Divide ICA Pre-conference, Seattle, USA.
- Velasquez, A. and LaRose, R. (May, 2014). Social media for social change: Online political efficacy and online political participation in student activist groups. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Seattle, USA.
- Velasquez, A. and LaRose, R. (June, 2013). Collective activism through social media: The role of collective efficacy. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, London, United Kingdom.
- Velasquez, A. (October, 2012). Digital divide in Colombia: The role of material and motivational access in the use and types of use of ICTs. Paper presented at the Regional conference of the International Association of Communication, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Ozkaya, E., Velasquez, A., De la Fuente, J. and Yun, Y. (May, 2012). Socio-cognitive model of problematic video-game use. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Phoenix, AR.
- Velasquez, A. and Lampe, C. (May, 2012). The role of communal ratings as cues in online political discussions. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Phoenix, AR.
- Wohn, D.Y., Velasquez, A., Bjornrud, T. and Lampe, C. (May, 2012). Using habit strength to explain sustained participation in an online community for user-generated content. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Phoenix, AR.
- Velasquez, A. (May, 2011). The effect of status cues and informational cascades on participation in online political communities. Presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Boston,MA.
- Chew, H.E., LaRose, R., Steinfield, C. and Velasquez, A. (June, 2010). The use of online social networking by rural youth and its effects on community involvement. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, Singapore.
Velasquez, A. (2012). Social media and individual and collective activism: The role of interdependence andonline political efficacy. Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Invited Talks
2022. Velasquez, A., & Porten-Cheé, P. El impacto de los medios de comunicación sociales en la comunicación política de la ciudadanía. Heidelberg Center Latin America, Santiago de Chile.
2022. Velasquez, A. In-group news exposure and Latinx’ social media political expression collective strategies. Office of politics, communication, and media. University of Alabama.
2022. Velasquez, A. Understanding Latinos’ social media political expression: The role of ethnic acculturation. Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies. University of Heidelberg, Germany.
2020. Velasquez, A. Link & Learn talk series: Understanding your social media habits, and using them to your advantage. University of Kansas, Edwards campus.
2019. Velasquez, A. Efficacy, Identity and Acculturation in Latinos’ Social Media Political Expression. Red Hot Research. The Commons, University of Kansas.
2019. Velasquez, A. Understanding Latinos’ Social Media Political Expression. University of Kansas, Kansas. Department of Communication Studies Colloquium Series.
2015. Velasquez, A. Follow us: Understanding social media individual and collective activism and political participation. The University of Kansas, Kansas. Bold Aspirations Visitor and Lecture Series, Langston Hughes Visiting Professor Campus Wide presentation.
2015. Velasquez, A. Online Political Efficacy and Collective Activism, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Doctoral program in Social Sciences and Humanities, March 5, 2015.
2014. Velasquez, A. Social Media and Society Research and Theories, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. Doctoral Program in Communication, Communication Department, November 28, 2014.
2013. Velasquez, A. Online Political Efficacy and Collective Activism, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Political Science Department, February 28, 2013.
Teaching experience
Teaching Experience
As Instructor
- Mass media and politics. Fall 2021, 2022 Communication Studies Department. Undergraduate program in Communication Studies, University of Kansas.
- Introduction to political communication. Fall 2017, Spring and Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Spring, Fall 2022. Communication Studies Department. Undergraduate program in Communication Studies, University of Kansas.
- Communication on the Internet. Fall 2015, Spring, Summer, Fall 2017, Spring, Summer 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2022. Communication Studies Department. Undergraduate program in Communication Studies, University of Kansas.
- Communication and technology. Fall, 2018; Spring, 2021. Communication Studies Department. Graduate seminar, University of Kansas.
- Media Effects. Fall 2016. Department of Communication. Undergraduate program in Communication, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Minority representation in the media. Fall 2015. Communication Studies Department. Undergraduate program in Communication Studies, University of Kansas.
- Informatics for online publishers. Fall 2005 through Spring 2008, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2016. Department of Communication. Undergraduate program in Communication, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Content Analysis. Spring of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. Department of Communication. Undergraduate program in Communication, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Media effects. Summer 2014, Fall 2016. College of Communication. Master’s program in Political Communication, Universidad Externado, Bogotá, Colombia.
- Research seminar. Spring and Fall 2013, Fall 2014, 2016. Department of Communication. Master’s program in Communication, Universidad Javeriana.
- Communication for development. Spring and Fall 2013, Spring 2014. Department of Communication. Undergraduate program in Communication, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
As Teaching Assistant
- Social Computing. Summer 2011. Department of Media and Information. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Student theses advisor and committees
- Chair Tatsuya Suzuki. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee chair, Spring 2022.
- Sreerupa Sanyal. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Spring 2022.
- Co-chair of Julian Paez Valdez PhD Committee . Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, 2017-2022.
- Lynzee Flores. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2021.
- Elnaz Parvez. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral committee member. 2021 current.
- Teri Terigele. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2020.
- Weimiao Zhou. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2020.
- Rebecca Johnson. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2019.
- Ellie Parviz. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2019.
- Chair Tatsuya Suzuki thesis committee. Master in Communication, Department of Communication Studies. University of Kansas, 2017-2019
- Gretchen Montgomery. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral committee member. 2018-2019.
- Amy Schumacher. PhD in Communication Studies, University of Kansas. Doctoral comps exams committee member, Fall 2017, Spring 2018.
- Co-chair of Julian Paez Valdez PhD Committe. Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, current.
- Nicole Heid and Alejandra Ortiz. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana, Fall2016.
- María Alejandra Solano. Master in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Fall 2014.
- Daniel Arias. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Fall 2014.
- Alejandra Daza. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Fall 2014.
- Jessica Martínez. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Spring 2014.
- Melissa Arboleda. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Fall 2013.
- Julian Garcia Wren. Master in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. 2012-2013.
- Juan Camilo Rodríguez. Bachelor in Communication, Universidad Javeriana. Fall 2012.
Research grants, fellowships and scholarships
- Seo, H., Ginther, D., Lumpkins, C., Fengjun, L., Walsh, M.T., & Velasquez, A. Digital Information Ecosystem for Health and Wellbeing of Rural America: A Community Academic Partnership Approach, KU Research Rising Phase I. December, 2021. Declined.
- Valenzuela, S., Bachman, I., Muddiman, A., Rojas, H. Shah, D. Velasquez, A. Promoting the engagement of unpolarized users living in polarized countries . Misinformation and Polarization Facebook Foundational Integrity & Impact Research July, 2021. Declined
- Velasquez, A. & Muddiman, A. Immigration news on social media and Latinos’ political expression and participation. Race, Ethnicity and Immigration program, Russell Sage Foundation. Submitted May, 2021. Declined.
- Stereotyping and intergroup processes in communication grant, Department of Communication, University of Kansas, 2020. ($3,500).
- Research Excellence Initiative, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas, 2020. ($10,000)
- Course Transformation Grant, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Kansas, 2019.
- Grant opportunity -GO- research grant. University of Kansas, 2018. Declined.
- New faculty research grant. University of Kansas, ($8000), 2018.
- National Science Foundation (NSF), Political Science Program, “Political efficacy, interactive mobilizing and voting in local elections”. December 2012. Declined. Proposed role: Invited expert.
- Michigan State University, College of Communication Arts and Science Summer Research Excellence Fellowship, (US$3750), 2011.
- Michigan State University, College of Communication Arts and Science Summer Research Excellence Fellowship, (US$1700), 2010.
- National Science Foundation (NSF), Human-Centered Computing Program, “The Role of Social Media in County Level E-Government Services”. December 2009. Declined. Proposed role: Research assistant.
- Fulbright Scholarship (Colombia, 2008). Provided funds for Ph.D. studies at Michigan State University.
- COLFUTURO Scholarship (Colombia, 2003). Provided funds for Master studies at Georgia Tech.
Awards and honors
- Langston Hughes Visiting Professor, Fall 2015, University of Kansas.
- CSCW 2012 Honorable Mention for Note: Lampe, C., Obar, J., Ozkaya, E., Zube, P. and Velasquez, A. (2012). Classroom Wikipedia participation effects on future intentions to contribute.
- Professional Mentor, AFI Enhanced TV Workshop, American Film Institute, December, 2004.
Scholarly and university service
2022. National Communication Association Political Communication Book Award committee.
2022-present. Communication Monographs journal editorial board member. National Communication Association.
Fall 2021 – Present. Communication Studies Department CTE Ambassador. University of Kansas.
Fall 2020 – Present. Member of the committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. University of Kansas.
Fall 2017-Present Communication on the Internet – Course supervision
Fall 2017–Present Communication Studies Department, University of Kansas. Study abroad department contact.
2015-Present Editorial Board Cuadernos. Info journal.
Department representative. College publications committee. College of Communication, Universidad Javeriana.
Chief Editor of the journal Signo y Pensamiento. Universidad Javeriana.
New Ph.D. program in communication committee member. College of Communication. Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
President of the Latin American Students Organization, Michigan State University.
Graduate student representative. College advisory committee. College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Michigan State University.
Reviewer for refereed publications and conferences
- American Behavioral Scientist journal
- Annual conference of the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
- Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
- Annual conference of the International Communication Association.
- Behaviour and Information Technology Journal
- Communication Research
- Communication Monographs
- International Journal of Communication
- Information, Communication and Society
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research
- Latino Studies journal
- Journalism and mass communication journal
- New Media and Society
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
- Journal of Communication
- Journal of Communication Technology
- Revista Palabra Clave
- Revista Cuadernos.Info
- Social Media + Society journal
- Social Science Computer Review Journal
Reviewer for grants, scholarships and awards
- “Undergraduate Research Awards”, KU Center for Undergraduate Research.
- Premio Otto de Greiff (Award to best thesis in Colombia).
- COLCIENCIAS and Information and Telecommunication Ministry “Online government” program.
- COLCIENCIAS IBN-PUBLINDEX communication journals articles typology assessment.
- COLFUTURO social sciences scholarship reviewers panel.
- Fulbright Colombia communication studies reviewers panel.
Previous work experience
- Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI 01/2010 –08/2012
Graduate Research Assistant - Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. 01/2004 – 05/2005
Research Assistant - Georgia Public Broadcasting. Atlanta, GA. 06/2004 – 08/2004
Intern - Colombian Central Bank. Bogotá, Colombia 12/1999-06/2003
Colombian Central Bank Virtual Library - Project Manager
Spanish (native), English (fluent), French (basic)