Financial Assistance


Communication Studies supports graduate student education via Graduate Teaching Assistantships, Graduate Research Assistantships, and scholarships and fellowships. See the drop-down menus for further information. 

Because proficiency in oral communication is required for a number of undergraduate programs, the department is able to offer funded graduate teaching assistantships (GTA). The chance of being awarded one of these positions in any given year depends upon the number of positions to be filled, along with the qualifications of the applicant.

Application for a graduate teaching assistantship requires that the students indicate interest in a GTA appointment as part of their application requirements. Applicants will be evaluated on the overall strength of their materials.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships are ordinarily assigned on a half time (20 hours/week) basis, teaching of six class hours per week. Within the limits of departmental policy, assistant instructors have full responsibility for teaching their own classes. See the Graduate Handbook for further information regarding GTA course assignments, workload, evaluations, the GTA Memorandum of Agreement, and related policies. 

Renewal of graduate teaching assistantships is dependent upon satisfactory performance of all responsibilities associated with both the teaching and the student functions. This includes satisfactory progress toward the degree, meeting all administrative responsibilities, successful teaching performance, and conducting classes in conformance with departmental policies.

Research Assistantships are usually related to the projects of faculty members who have obtained research grants. Availability varies, as does the stipend and workload. Research Assistants are usually recruited from among currently enrolled graduate students by faculty members holding research grants. Contact the Director of Graduate Studies or your faculty advisor to see if GRA positions are open. 

Conference Travel Funds

COMS departmental travel awards are intended for graduate students presenting a paper at a national or regional meeting of a learned or professional society. A student may receive an award ($400) once per year.


Additional financial support for conference presentations is available to graduate students through the Graduate Student Travel Fund administered by KU Graduate Studies.

Departmental Scholarships

Students with outstanding applications and coursework wishing to be considered for fellowships and scholarships should indicate their interest in a letter written to the Director of Graduate Studies and Scholarship Committee. All applicants for these awards should submit materials by January 15 of the preceding academic year.

Over $25,000 in scholarships and fellowships are awarded to COMS graduate students on an annual basis. The following awards and scholarships are available from the Department of Communication Studies each spring:

The purpose of the E. C. Buehler Teaching Fellowship is to recognize and reward excellence in teaching among graduate teaching assistants (GTA) at the University of Kansas. All GTAs in the Communication Studies Department who have satisfactory graduate standing and have been instructor of record for COMS courses in at least three of the previous four semesters are eligible for this award.E. C. Buehler Outstanding First-Year Teaching Fellowship is given in recognition of outstanding instruction by a first-year graduate teaching assistant (GTA). Any graduate student in good standing in the Communication Studies Department who is finishing their first year as a GTA.

The purpose of the Kim Giffin Award is to recognize the excellence of graduate students conducting independent research while in residence at the University of Kansas in the Communication Studies Department. Any graduate student who has satisfactory graduate standing within the Communication Studies Department is eligible. E. C. Buehler Outstanding First-Year Teaching Fellowship is given in recognition of outstanding instruction by a first-year graduate teaching assistant (GTA). Any graduate student in good standing in the Communication Studies Department who is finishing their first year as a GTA.

The purpose of the Sene and Louella Carlile Scholarship is to recognize and reward graduate students doing outstanding work in all areas of academic life (i.e., research, service, and teaching). To be eligible, students must also demonstrate financial need. This award is for a returning graduate student. The student shall be one whose work is outstanding and concentrated in the field of speech or allied areas, with preference being given to those doing graduate work. Consideration may be given to applicants with majors in other departments but in areas that lead to the improvement in the use of the English language.

The purpose of the Hob Crocket Award is to recognize the excellence of a research paper written by a graduate student in the Communication Studies Department that focuses on some aspect of the social scientific study of communication. The paper may address any aspect of communication practice, theory, or methodology, but it must employ a social scientific approach.

The purpose of the William A. Conboy Outstanding Graduate Student Award is to recognize those students deemed most outstanding by their peers in the Department of Communication Studies. Any graduate student who has satisfactory graduate standing within the Communication Studies Department is eligible.

The purpose of the Wil Linkugel Award is to recognize the excellence of a research paper written by a graduate student in the Communication Studies Department that focuses on some aspect of rhetorical studies. The paper may be critical, theoretical or practical, it may address any aspect of the communication discipline, and it may be interdisciplinary in scope, but it must employ rhetorical methodology. 

University Funding

University fellowships and scholarships are awarded financial aid to candidates with superior academic records. An especially attractive grant is the Self Graduate School Fellowship, which is awarded especially to outstanding graduate students for four years of study leading to the Ph.D. Exemplary students are also eligible to apply for a limited number of dissertation and for summer fellowships.

For more financial aid and funding resources, visit KU's Graduate Funding site.