Teaching Assistants

Role of Graduate Teaching Assistants

Courses Taught by GTAs

Most Graduate Teaching Assistants are assigned to teach courses satisfying the Oral Communication Requirement. Instructors with appropriate credentials can asked to teach:

  • 130 Public Speaking (3 credits)
  • 150 Personal Communication (3 credits)
  • 230 Fundamentals of Debate (3 credits)
  • 330 Effective Business Communication (3 credits)
  • 331 Persuasive Speaking (3 credits)

*Other courses may be added to this list as needed.

Nature of the Oral Communication Fundamentals Program

All bachelor degree candidates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are required to satisfy an Oral Communication Requirement, pass an exemption examination, or be exempted on the basis of high school speech training. Several other degree programs also require their students to enroll in these courses. Two courses taught out of the Introductory Course office —COMS 130 and COMS 322—play a significant role in helping students meet that requirement. 

After gaining experience in COMS 130, GTAs may apply to teach other courses. GTAs interested in a specific course should contact the faculty supervisor. The faculty supervisor of the course will let the GTA know about necessary qualifications and experience to teach the course and the application process. In general, students should have appropriate coursework and other background preparing them for teaching the class and should be prepared to present a portfolio demonstrating their qualifications. See the student handbook for further information. 

Enrollment in COMS 920

During the first semester of teaching, Graduate Teaching Assistants are required to enroll in a section of COMS 920 entitled "Intro to Teaching Oral Communication." The class meets weekly and carries 3 hours of credit. Its purpose is to provide GTAs with additional insight and expertise in the teaching fundamentals of oral communication generally, and, in particular, the program as it is conducted at the University of Kansas.

GTA Employment

The prospective GTA needs to meet all employment eligibility requirements as set by the University of Kansas and the Kansas Board of Regents. Please see additional resources regarding GTA appointments: