Colloquium Series

Each semester, the Department of Communication Studies sponsors a Colloquium Series. The Series consists of seven to eight lectures per semester, given by a wide variety of graduate students and professors from across the department, across the university, and across the country. Approximately half of the lectures in a given semester will be dedicated to understanding human communication from a social scientific perspective, and the other half from a humanistic, rhetorical perspective.

The goal of the Colloquium Series is twofold: First, the Colloquium Series is intended to foster an environment of collaborative research; it does so by creating a forum in which the diverse research interests of our students and faculty can be brought together for a common intellectual exchange. Second, the Colloquium Series is intended to help the members of our community stay connected with research being done beyond our borders; it does so by inviting scholars from across KU and across the country to participate.