Colloquium Schedule, Fall 2014
September 10, 2014 4:00 pm Jayhawk Room Kansas Union | Dr. Monica Biernat | Professor and Associate Chair Dept. of Psychology, KU
September 24 4:00 pm Jayhawk Room Kansas Union | Dr. Gordon Carlson | Assistant Professor, Communication Studies Fort Hays State University New Media
October 8 4:00 pm Malott Room Kansas Union | Natalie Pennington | Communication Studies The University of Kansas Computer-Mediated and Interpersonal Communication
October 22 4:00 pm Jayhawk Room Kansas Union | Dr. Andrea Quenette | Assistant Professor, COMS Political Communication
November 12 4:00 pm Malott Room Kansas Union | Dr. Dave Tell | Associate Professor, COMS Rhetorical Studies
Questions? Contact Dr. Dave Tell, Chair of the Colloquium Committee: