Angela Gist-Mackey

- Associate Professor
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Ph.D., University of Missouri
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Angela N. Gist-Mackey (Ph.D., University of Missouri; pronouns: she/her/hers) is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas with an expertise in organizational communication. She is an interpretive critical scholar who largely researches issues of social mobility and power in organized contexts. Her program of research frequently explores topics related to social class, stigmatized social identities, and organizational culture. In 2019 and 2020 she won the best journal article of the year award from the National Communication Association’s Ethnography Division for her critical, comparative ethnographic scholarship. Dr. Gist-Mackey has published a number of journal articles and chapters ethnographically explores the experiences of the unemployed across social class (i.e. white-collar and blue-collar) lines while they managed joblessness through organizational support groups. She has also examined the identity work and negotiation of individuals’ experiences as they cope with social mobility and/or stigma, such as the experiences of first-generation college students or people grappling with poverty. Much of Dr. Gist-Mackey’s research is engaged scholarship partnering with local, regional, and campus organizations to provide insightful recommendations for improving their programming. In 2021, she won the Community Engaged Scholarship award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at KU. Her scholarship has been published in outlets such as Organization Studies, Communication Monographs, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, and Communication Education among others. Dr. Gist-Mackey teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational communication about topics including social identity and stigma, organizational culture, relational dynamics in the workplace, toxic organizational behavior, and qualitative methodology. Feel free to visit Dr. Gist-Mackey’s professional website to learn more: You can also review her publication record online here: