Scott Harris

- Senior Specialist
- David B. Pittaway Director of Debate
Contact Info
Biography —
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Rhetoric & Political Communication
Dr. Harris' research and teaching interests include argumentation and debate, public address, political communication, and the rhetoric of sports. He is the David B. Pittaway Director of Debate. He has won numerous teaching and debate coaching awards including: the Educator of the Year Award from the Kansas Speech and Communication Association in 2019 and in 2018; the James J. Unger Award in 2018, the Ovid Davis Award in 2018, the Jeffrey W. Jarman Award in 2017; the David Brownlee Debate Coach of the Year Award in 2015; the Gene A. Budig Teaching Professorship for the Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2011; the Northwestern Debate Society Award for excellence in coaching in 2010; the Ovid Davis Award in 2009; the George Ziegelmueller Award for excellence in debate coaching in 2006; the Debate Coach of the Year Award in 2006, and in 1999 was recognized as an "Outstanding Teacher" by the Center for Teaching Excellence. He served as President of the American Forensic Association 2012-2014 and President of the Cross Examination Debate Association 2018-19.