Tracy Callaway Russo

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr.Russo's research focuses on communication behaviors in mediated environments, especially focusing on group member attachments to others in online teams and groups and in online classes and on how these attachment affect organizational outcomes. She taught the first completely online class in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. She was formerly Vice President of Knight-Ridder Financial Information. She is the director of the department's MA program at the Edwards Campus of the U of Kansas in Overland Park. In Fall 2000 Dr. Russo was selected as a finalist for the HOPE award, in the Spring of 2001 was selected as a Carnegie Scholar, and in 2003 received a Kemper Award for teaching and advising excellence.
Education —
Ph.D., University of Kansas
Research —
- Student expectations of full-time professional work: Student reports of their work values Student reports of the trust they expect to have for supervisors and coworkers when they enter the workforce Comparisons of student work values and those of older workers
- Student expectations of teachers and the learning process, particularly focusing on how these may influence their responses to training, information seeking and feedback in the workplace
- Millennial differences in the workplace: evaluating the extent to which Millennial workers are like and different from workers from other generations; the role of life stage; the role of other demographics and individual differences
- Organizational identification and commitment
Teaching —
Curriculum Vitae
- Tracy Callaway Russo's CV
- Recent Publications
- Carver, C.L. & Russo, T.C. (2011). Corporate chaplains: Communicating religiously-based support in a for-profit organization. Submitted to the Journal of Applied Communication Research.
- Hall, D., & Russo, T.C. (2011, November). Hello, my name is ___, and I'm an alcoholic: A study of organizational identification to Alcoholics Anonymous. Competitive paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.
- Russo, T.C. (2008). They just don't get it: Responding to generational differences. Quality Management Forum.
- Russo, T.C., & Ford, D.J. (2006). Teachers' reflection on reflection practice. Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning, 2(2), 1-12.
- Russo, T.C., & Koesten, J. (2005). Prestige, centrality and learning: A social network analysis of an online class. Communication Education, 54(3), 254-261.
- Russo, T. & Benson, S. (2005). Learning with invisible others: Perceptions of online presence and their relationship to cognitive and affective learning. Educational Technology and Society, 8(1), 54-62.