Yan Bing Zhang
- Professor
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Biography —
Ph.D., University of Kansas
Relationships & Social Interaction
Dr. Yan Bing Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas. Dr. Zhang is an intergroup and intercultural communication scholar. She studies the processes between communication, relationships, social cognition, culture, and identity in face-to-face and mediated contexts. She received the 2007William T. Kemper Fellowshipfor Teaching Excellence, the 2019 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring Student in Research, and the 2020 Howie Giles Mentorship Award from the International Association for Language and Social Psychology. Her publications have appeared in some U.S. and international journals in communication and social psychology including Journal of Communication, Communication Monographs, New Media & Society, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, and International Journal of communication. The Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association recognized her scholarship with the 2021 Giles-Nussbaum Distinguished Scholar Award.
In line with Dr. Zhang’s research agenda, her graduate supervision and teaching has focused on three primary areas: (1) culture and communication, (2) quantitative research method and statistics, and (3) communication and intergroup and intercultural relations. Dr. Zhang has directed many theses/dissertations and reviewed articles for more than 30 different academic journals. She chaired the Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association and currently serves as chair of Intergroup Communication of the International Communication Association. She has been serving on the editorial boards of a few communication journals and the executive board of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology.